Description: Description: MSU

Foundations of Data and Visual Analytics

Description: Description: C:\Users\weig\Documents\My Dropbox\SIYANG\FODAVA\img\DHS_Logo.gif

Description: Description: NSF


Description: Description: member

Description: Description: member

Description: Description: member

Description: Description: member

Description: Description: member

Description: Description: member

Description: Description: member

Description: Description: member

MIBPB: Matched Interfaceand Boundary Based Poisson-Boltzmann Solver Software package for the estimationof electrostatic properties of biomolecules.


MIBPNP: Matched Interface and Boundary BasedPoisson-Nernst-Planck Solver Software package will be made available soon.


DGSM:  Differential geometry based solvation model software will be availablesoon.